THORNTON ROAD CLUB Adopted Rules 2/12/1979 updated 15/2/2015
1. That the club be called The Thornton Road Club. The main colours must include light blue, dark green and yellow (black shorts are allowed).
2. That the entrance fee be £2 on nomination. The Annual Subscriptions be £12 (£15 for racing) payable on acceptance and subsequently on the first day of February in advance for the year.
Juniors members (under 18 years) £8. Under 16 years are free but he / she must be accompanied by an Adult at all times on club activities.
3. Membership of the club is open to male and female cyclists and candidates must be proposed and seconded by members of the club and approved by senior officials.
4. The Hon Officials of the club shall consist of Chairman, General Secretary, Racing Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary, Runs Captain, Vice runs Captain,
Gazette Editor, Publicity Secretary.
5. That any member not paying his / her subscriptions at the end of 2 months after the 1st of February or within 1 month of his / her acceptance, shall cease to be a member, otherwise be determined by the Secretary or Chairman.
6. That members wish to resign or changing status i.e 1st 2nd claim, must send a written notice to the General Secretary.
7. The A.G.M be held whenever possible. A Special General Meeting (10 signatures) or a weeks notice from the Chairman or General Secretary.
8. Senior Officials shall have the power to expel or otherwise deal with any members guilty of conduct detrimental to the interest of The Thornton Road Club.
9. The starting point for Sunday club runs be the Railway Restaurant, Hythe, Kent.
10. The Runs Captain ot in his / her absence shall have the full control on all club runs and all members must abide by his / her Orders.
11. The Accounts shall be made to 30th September each year.
12. The Senior Officials have the power to make By- Laws and can decide all disputes not provided for in these Rules.
13. The following Senior Official Positions shall not be put for Re-Election each Year. Chairman ,Racing Secretary, General Secretary, Treasurer, Internet Secretary, Official Journalist, Clothing Secretary. The only time these positions may be Re-elected is if there has been a voluntary Resignation, or if an Official has moved away, and left a forwarding address or contact number.
14. When a person wishes to join the Thorton Road Club, they must first have Name put on a waiting list, ( with an upper club Membership Limit of 45 Members). They then will be selected by the the Senior Officials. ( At their discretion.)
Then on invitation fill in an Application Form, and follow the procedure of a Trial period, now to be extended from 1 month to 2 months. Then to be assessed for Membership by the Senior Officials.