Wednesday 21 August 2013

Time Trial Report. 21st August 2013T

Time to catch up with a few results starting with the TriSpirit 10's on the Q10/1. Back on the 23rd August Steve Trek produced a stunning 23.14, an improvement of about 6 minutes only to sheepishly admit a few days later that by mistake he had turned at Bridgefield instead of Cloverleaf. Don had a best of the year 24.16 and Jari making a rare appearance finished in 30.18.

Two weeks later John having recovered from the 24 hour did a 24.52.  We now have another Laker to contend with, Louise produced a scorching 25.42.

Last night John finally found a partner for the tandem in Russ, and as we know Russ is game for most things, they proved that last years time was no fluke by storming round in 23.41. Louise produced another fine 26.28.

At the PMR 10's on the same course it was the Laker double act again on the 30th July. John 25.29 and Louise keeping her dad on his toes 26.46.

Rye Wheelers 10 on the 26th July had John with 26.15, closely followed by Danny 26.31 and Steve Trek 29.35.

The only Thornton at Open events was my attempt at the ESCA 100 last Sunday, DNF.

Apologies if i have missed any results out as i know some of our junior members have been competing in events away from our area. Perhaps somebody with first hand experience of these events could occasionally write a report.

I know that most members including myself would like to know what the juniors are up to.


1 comment:

Heidi Hammond said...

Thanks Michael. I will try and round up some data from Jack and the youngsters in TRC. They have indeed been eating up the tarmac over at Fowlmead this summer!! Heidi