Tuesday, 30 September 2014

KCA Reliability Trial

Following on from previous blog, the club are arranging entry to this event.
Sunday October 26th 2014
Three distances to chose from:
50km, 100km and 100 miles.
Starting points:
Claygate & Potters Corner A20 - 50km and 100km
Potters Corner A20 - 100miles
Time Options:
100 miles 6.5 - 7hrs
100km 4hrs, 4.5hrs or 5hrs
50km 2hrs, 2.5hrs and 3hrs
Course details and check cards will be sent to Russell who is coordinating this event.
Please contact him by Friday to register your interest, along with your intended distance and time option.
The Rootes Trophy is awarded to the club with the highest number of points, so the more of us who enter, the better!
Mobile 07966150805